SNASH's Automotive Window Film CanReduce glare by 25%,Improves interior COMFORT,Reduce temperature upto 9°C,Reduce INFRARED upto 99%,Reduce UV by 100%,Reduce interior fading

IR Films are used to reduce maximum Infrared Radiation from the solar energy through the automotive windshield and side glasses without reducing the light transmissions. IR films reduces 100% UV and up to 30% glare. This helps to improve the comfort and safety of the occupants inside the vehicle, as well as keep the interior of the vehicle cooler. The films are available in a variety of different shades and finishes, allowing customers to customize their vehicle to fit their needs and preferences.

Ceramic Films reduces 100% UV and upto 60% Infrared radiations. These budgetary films reduces upto 20% glare and provide upto 70% visibility through the glass. This type of film is also highly resistant to scratches, abrasions, and fading, making it a great choice for those who are looking for a long-lasting tint. Ceramic tint films also offer superior clarity compared to other tint films, providing a crystal clear view of the road ahead.

High Performance (HP) Films are designed to deliver superior performance in a wide range of applications. These films are often used in industrial, medical, and aerospace applications that require high strength and durability.

Visual Simulation of thermal heat image of a car interior with and without SNASH Cool Film
Cooler by 9.6°C
In an independent test, SNASHCool Films were shown to help keep a car interior surface cooler.

Recommended as Effective UV Protectant